for immediate release: The Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Foundation has selected the short film Candy, produced by Sarasota and Bradenton-based filmmakers, to be part of its Short Film Showcase, February 9th, 2011, in the SAG Boardroom in Manhattan. This honor is to showcase the talent of independent filmmakers and their ability to cast professional actors [...]

This past weekend “Candy.” screened for an packed house at the Hallowscreen Film Festival in Sarasota, FL which is part of the Chalk Festival. The audience loved it and many of them stopped myself or Sage to talk about what they saw when the film was over. I’m still so surprised by the wonderful response [...]

Candy. to screen at Hallowscreen Film Festival in Sarasota, FL.

“Candy” Trailer

September 26, 2010 | Leave a Comment

Tags: candy | film | movie
